""" ChapterAnimation/balloon1.py move a circle help('modules') """ from graphics import * import time winW, winH= 300,300 def main(): win = GraphWin('Car', winW,winH) # give title and dimensions c = Circle(Point(100,100), 50) # set center and radius c.setFill("red") c.draw(win) c0 = Circle(Point(100, 150), 6) c0.setFill('black') c0.draw(win) th = Line(Point(100, 150), Point(100, 220)) # set endpoints th.setWidth(3) th.draw(win) label = Text(Point(100, 100), 'Balloon') label.draw(win) for i in range(46): c.move(5, 0) time.sleep(.05) main()